Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Concerning Male-Bashing

I work in a nearly all-female team at my job. Not that I mind, but DANG! Sometimes they get chatting about a topic that just annoys me to no end. For example: Today they started discussing all of the perceived problems with men (most either blatantly false or ridiculously ignorant). To top it all off, one of the women, who just returned to work after having a baby a few weeks ago, came in with her husband and new child to show them off to everyone. When it was time to go, the husband asked, "Which way is the exit?" as he was leaving with the baby. (Our set of cubicles is not near the exit and it can be quite confusing to someone who isn't there every day.)

This woman had the gaul to mock her husband in front of everyone and then pointing a finger in the right direction, proceeded to launch into the foolishness of males in general - which several other women happily joined in.

Now, I don't have a problem with women in the workplace, but these women in particular seem to have no etiquette when it comes to their better half visiting them at work. I would place a large sum of money on a man actually getting up and escorting his wife to the exit. ESPECIALLY if she was a new mother.

I've met more and more women lately (generally those in the workforce) that claim that men don't understand women, but honestly believe that they understand all men. Bull crap. We are not just simplistic little animals that think of nothing but food, sex, and video games. Men might ACT that way, but only because the women in their lives treat them like children.

Grown men do not need their wife/girlfriend to be their mother. Nor do we necessarily want a damsel in distress to rescue. We want a woman who we can ride off into the unknown adventures with TOGETHER. We will rescue them if they need it, but we want to be sure they will rescue us when WE need it. A companion. A helpmeet. A friend. A lover. A co-adventurer. Someone who will make us want to live up to the ideals of honor, integrity, chivalry, etc.

All that being said, I am not a misogynist. On the contrary, I am a solid supporter of feminism - meaning the true definition, and not the pseudo-political crap that is thinly disguised misandry/misogamy.

Okay, rant over. Sometimes American culture worries me.


Anonymous said...

I've noticed this in general. People are quite rude. Do you know, besides myself, I haven't seen a single person actually hold a door open for someone. I do this ALL the time walking around campus and from the reaction I get you'd think I was either "hired help" or just the most polite person on earth. Anyone open the door for me? Nope, but I'm hoping my manners will rub off on others. OK, my rant over now too.

Anonymous said...

Aunt Dodo sez: Wait til you get old. It's a real shock to relize that on a particular day the public in general begins to think of and act towards you like "OLD." On the other hand, it does have its pluses. Like, at Costco when the basket is loaded too heavy to easily unload into the car. "Comere, sonny. Give an old lady a hand."

Anonymous said...

Even more common is the phenomenon of "spouse bashing" at work. It seems that taking the person that you have created a life with, pledged your life to and have publicly sworn everlasting love and loyalty to is just fine in our society. I have a hard time respecting (personally and professionally) someone who is so disloyal and cruel to their spouse.