Thursday, November 09, 2006

Okay, Okay...Stop Calling Me

Here's the deal: Now that I'm spending 8 hours a day at work, I can't say I'm terribly thrilled to rush home and write about work in my blog. Don't get me wrong, my new job is good, but I've got so many other things going on that I haven't felt like sitting down and typing.

When I get home around 4:00, I usually have things to plan for - I'm the new Webelos (Cub Scouts) leader that I have to plan for so the boys don't run wild every Wednesday. Saturdays, I've learned that I have to use most of that day gathering supplies for scouts as well as preparing a sunday school lesson for a large group of 13-14 year olds. Add that to trying to find time to spend some time with each of my kids individually as well as spending time with my wife.

Dang. I guess I'm all growed up now.

Anyway, work is ticking right along. My official title is "Utility Coordinator." I just finished a long training class yesterday. And since my desk doesn't get set up until tomorrow, I've been in a limbo-like existence. Added to that, my manager is on jury duty, so I'm not really sure what I'm supposed to be doing. Of course, everyone else in the unit is more than happy to have me help them with their

On the upside, on week two of working, the company did an adjustment to their pay-scale and I ended up getting a $2 an hour raise. I'm actually making an "almost out of poverty" wage! Actually, it isn't that bad, but with 4+ kids I'm still considered poor enough to qualify for all kinds of government assistance programs...not that I need them now - it's called LIVING WITHIN YOUR MEANS, PEOPLE!

(Insert appropriate rant about people thinking govt. assistance is a right not a privilege here)

As for the recent elections...the way everything has been handled (and the associated opposing reactions) is, to me, a prime example of why we need a third political party in this country. Yeah, yeah, there is the Libertarians or the Green Party, or any number of "little guys" but nothing that can compete yet. I probably more closely agree with the Libertarians...with a few exception of where they carry a few issues to illogical extremes. Anyhow, unless the current Democrat/Republican parties can figure out what they actually stand for (besides the sole goal of being (re)elected and being "in control"), I'm not sure where I stand. Folks on both sides can be so ignorant/close-minded/misguided/whatever, that I'm a bit disillusioned all the way around. It has become more about what is good for "the party" rather than what is good for the country.

So a big raspberry to 'em all! :P


Anonymous said...

glad to hear things are going well :) And I'm sorry time is tight. Good to hear from ya again, figured you were busy busy busy anyway.

Lifeofpiggys said...

Really need your address asap!!!

Old Gramps said...

So good to hear from you. Know what you mean about not wanting to sit down to a computer after working on one all day. Amen to all you said about the elections. Love to all, Helen