Monday, September 27, 2004

A New Gamer is Born!

Almost a week ago (Monday, Sept 13) my wife gave birth to a little baby girl. I haven't announced it until now because I've been a bit busy with my other three kids, and school, and family, and visitors, get the idea.

When our last two kids were born, we brought games to the hospital to play while we waited - obviously not during heavy labor. This time we only brought two games because we weren't expecting a long wait - her water broke a week early instead of going in to be induced a week late.

First, I am unashamed to admit that I won my first game of Hera & Zeus while we were there. My victory was only slightly blunted by the fact that I beat a pregnant lady having a baby. Still, I can't really feel bad, because she totally slaughtered me in a game of Upwords.

9:22 in the evening Emma was born, unbeknownst, into a family of gamers. Do you think the nurses would have let us out of the hospital if they knew?

Generations come and generations go, but the games will stay in our family forever!

Saturday, September 11, 2004

Games vs. Legos

I love games. I also love legos. I had forgotten how much I love legos until today. My wife and I are about to have our fourth child (one week until the due date) and it has been a tradition of sorts to buy gifts for our other kids when a new bundle o' joy arrives.

So there I was wandering through the toy section of Walmart trying not to drool too much over Heroscape (after all, I was there for presents for the kids...not me). I picked up a baby doll for our youngest daughter (age 2) and I was trying to find something for our other two (ages 4 and 6) without spending a lot of money (pretty tight budget these days).

And then I hit the lego section.

Of course! We already had a small 100 piece or so set that my kids enjoyed playing with - but there never was enough for everyone. So I snapped up the last 1000 piece bucket on the shelf and headed home.

Well, I did a bad job hiding the presents and within five minutes of getting home the packages were opened. Happily, I got down on the floor amid the scattered legos and began building. Holy smokes! From the moment I ran my hands through the colored bricks and listened to the distinctive sounds that only legos can make, I was done for. Long after the kids moved on to other things, Dad was there still building and taking apart, building and taking apart.

My wife comes in and asks, "Who did you buy those for anyway?"

So later in the day, I'm on the internet looking at the lego website and planning out future purchases when it hits me...this is exactly what I do for board games! Not only am I a Board Game Geek, I'm a Lego Geek as well!

This then begs the question: Should I nip this in the bud before I have every closet in the house packed with games and every blank spot along a wall lined with lego containers? OR Do I spread what limited funds I already have (or don't have as the case may be) between the two?

Oh, the horror, the horror !