Thursday, November 18, 2004

Cub Scouts and Collecting

My church's cub scout pack had a meeting tonight. The theme was "Collections". One of the adults knew I had a large (to them anyway) board game collection and invited me to show it off tonight. Soo...I hauled all my games down to my car, packed them in as best I could, slowly drove to the church and set up.

I was surprised at how many tables I took up. It's a lot more impressive looking when they are all spread out. It was fun to answer a bunch of questions (mostly from the parents) about games and over all I had a good time. It sure was different from the usual baseball cards, beanie babies, pokemon cards, etc that were there - although I have to admit there were some pretty cool collections as well.

Probably the most frequent comment made was: "Games at our house never last that long. The kids destroy them." or something along those lines. When that happened, I turned to my kids who accompanied me (none are old enough for cub scouts yet) and asked them what "Dad's Rule" was. They promptly took on serious faces and replied: "Don't touch Daddy's games!" Then I smiled. I never let on what condition their games were in...

Sunday, November 14, 2004

No Gaming This Week

Maybe everyone used the excuse of the holiday on Thursday to go home. Don't know - but nobody showed up this Saturday to game. I'm pretty bummed.

Gaming is like air and sex - you don't realize how much you need it until you're not getting any.

Oh well, Thanksgiving is coming up soon and we've got certain family members (who LOVE to play games) who will be in town for two weeks!

Thursday, November 04, 2004

Table Too Small or Game Too Big?

A few weeks ago I picked up a copy of Heroscape. I've been drooling over the bits for awhile but hadn't taken the time to actually set the game up - for a variety of reasons. Last night I finally got my chance, and started piecing together the first scenario.

Let me give you the range of thoughts that were going through my mind that night:

1) Wow, this game is really neat!
2) Okay, runnig out of room on the table, better move the box to the floor.
3) Hmm...still not enough room. Move the flower vase to the kitchen.
4) Crap...okay, I think the extra leaf to the table is around here somewhere...
5) Whew! Finally got it all together.
6) Where am I suppose to roll the dice?!?