Sunday, December 05, 2004

Rethinking the Desirability of My Collection

I have been wanting to re-rank my games for some time now. I dropped my one "10" game and was trying to think about what should take the top spot. Unfortunately, I couldn't think of one...

What?! I can't come up with a favorite game? So I sit down and stare at the screen filled with the titles in my collection in an attempt to discover a game I enjoy playing over anything else. Still, nothing! The best I could come up with is: "Well, I really love playing this game with these people, but not with those - I must rather play that instead."

Okay, I realize a lot of the enjoyment I get from playing games comes from how much the other players are enjoying themselves. So where does that leave me as far a ranking my games? Well, what if I rated them as if I had the perfect group for that particular game. Much more reasonable as that would let me decided which game I prefer.

Then the next problem arises: I haven't played some of these games in so many years that I begin to doubt if I would have as much fun now as I did then (Advanced Civilization jumps immediately to mind). Is that indicative of a lower rating? I'm not sure. If I look at games I play the most nowadays - namely Heroscape and Battleball - they are far from the most enjoyable games I own, each for different reasons.

Appeals to the BGG rating scale descriptions offer some guidelines, but are a little vague - I don't see how they could be anything else though. It's all so subjective. I firmly believe that they have to be ranked in relation to other games.

I'm at a loss.

Maybe I should stop being a !@# lamer noob (got called that in some online game and I found it funny enough to remember) and get over the fact that it's just game ratings I'm worrying about. But I know myself. I'm too anal-retentive to let it drop. Gotta have it all neat and orderly so I can say this is my favorite game!

On the up side, the rest of my life is going so well that I have the mental/emotional wherewithall to have this be something worth thinking about. And yes, ranking your game collection is an emotional process. Come on! Admit it!