Thursday, August 31, 2006


Sigh...What a rough summer...

But before we get to all that, I have some catching up to do. First of all, the family trip went relatively okay, all things considered. We had the chance to see a lot of really neat things and the kids really enjoyed seeing the sights. The car trips between the sights were...well...pretty much what you'd expect. But we survived. The really bad part of the whole trip was that we were "lucky" enough to go during a huge heat wave that covered the entire country. Arizona. Heat wave. Umm...yeah...that quickly cured me of any ideas I might have been harboring about moving to the Southwest.

Since being back, things have gone precipitously downhill. I will just have to summarize so as not to blow another gasket and lose even more brain-juice.

  • Still no job
  • I managed not to kill any of my in-laws
  • We moved to Spokane (sans job...but at least it's not Pullman)

There is probably more I could put in that short list, know...loss of brain-juice and all...

Not all is bad, however. The kids start school on September 5th, and it seems to be a pretty good school district. The school itself is only 4 blocks from the house but, unfortunately for the kids, it is uphill all the way. will do 'em good.

I've still got some pretty rough months/years ahead. I've spent all this time and money getting a college degree and I'm finding out that it is pretty close to worthless. Yeah, yeah, I know all the arguments about the "value" of a college education, but right now it seems like it was a big waste of life's resources. Graduate school seems like more of the same as well. Besides, I would need three letters of recommendation to get accepted and I don't know three people who know enough about me to be able to recommend me. And to top off that particular path, most of the graduate degrees that interest me or that I would qualify for seem like dead-ends as well.

BS, MS, PhD indeed: Bull **** (BS), More of the Same (MS), Piled Higher and Deeper (PhD).