Saturday, September 29, 2007

3rd Times a Charm

Well, my third Bobs concert was a lot of fun. They did a lot of new material that is on a soon-to-be-released album. And it wasn't just the music - they had a great time just chatting/joking/giving a hard time to the audience and each other. The only down side to the evening was that, in the end, it turned out to be a fairly spendy night. On top of the tickets, I picked up their 25th Anniversary documentary on DVD. There goes my birthday AND my Christmas presents. Oh well, it was definitely worth it.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Bob, Bob, Bobbing Along

The Bobs (THE greatest alternative-acapella group of all case you didn't know) are coming to town on Friday. We managed to scrape together enough money to get two tickets. Consider it an early birthday present for me...yea! The concert is in a dinner-theater type place, so we'll grab a bite to eat while we're there as well.

I first came across The Bobs...oh, what was it...1990 or 1991? In any case, they've remained one of my favorite groups over the years. In all honesty, not every one of their songs thrill me, but the majority of them are incredibly awesome. It's music you can really brush your teeth to, ya know?

If you're interested (and I know you are...stop lying to yourself...and DON'T shake your head at me...yeah, I'm talking to YOU!) you can check them out here and here. Enjoyment is mandatory!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

School Daze

Well, the kids' school had its open house yesterday and today. Not much to report. Although, I have to admit that while in the throws of an apparent fit of insanity, Leslie and I signed up for the PTA. Still not sure what exactly happened there. One moment I'm sitting at a cafeteria table looking forward to a free rootbeer float, and the next minute I'm on the other side of the room signing my name on a sheet of paper. WHAT HAVE I DONE?!?

Ah well...tomorrow is a New Day.

Speaking of yet another bout of insanity (seem to be having quite a few of those lately), I turned in a resume for a newly opened position at work. Not sure I'm really up for another rejection, but my loverly wife and a few co-workers convinced me to give it a shot. Once again, we'll just have to wait and see.

Friday, September 07, 2007

Whose Turn is it?

…because it apparently isn’t mine at the moment. My turn may have already passed, and with 6.6+ billion people in the world, it might take some time to come back around to me.

I didn’t get the apprenticeship.

I’m not sure what to do at this point. I really do not like the whole customer service field I’ve found myself in the past few years, but (even with a college degree) I don’t seem to qualify for any other kind of work. It has become truly aggravating.

At least I currently have a job…even if it isn’t the greatest in the world, it could be a LOT worse.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

College vs. Apprenticeships

Tomorrow I have an interview for an apprentice electrical mechanic canidate pool. I wasn't getting my hopes up too much since it IS just for a canidate pool. However, I came across this article today: WA Labor Leaders Find Few Takers for Good Jobs

Wow, does that article describe my situation or what? I am very curious to see how tomorrow turns out...