Monday, December 21, 2009

Reading List Catch-Up

Since I haven't posted anything in awhile, I haven't taken the chance to comment on the books I've read. That's too bad, really. I had some interesting thoughts at several points along the way and thought, "I should write that down and think about it some more."'s one of the curses of modern living. I'm too easily distracted by too many other mind-numbing things that I don't take enough time just to sit and think anymore.

So here is what I've read since Sleepy Hollow:

Uncle Tom's Cabin (very cool book...I have boatloads I could talk about...but probably won't)
A Farewell to Arms (on my list of books never to read again)
The Wee Free Men (not a classic, but it was a fun little "fairy tale" book)

Right now, I'm reading Of Mice and Men by one of my favorite authors, John Steinbeck.


I wrote this while I was at work. I just had an incredibly irritating conversation with someone here about a work-related issue and now I'm too mad to continue writing...