Thursday, July 15, 2004

Clean Livin'

Holy smokes!

Okay, I was on my way home from work. As I was passing by the university's colleseum, I noticed that a nearby church was having a huge rummage sale there. So I decided to stroll on through to see what lame games were there. I saw quite a few people carrying the standard gaming drivel (Shadowlords, Trival Pursuit, Conspiracy, various kid games) when a large box caught my eye.

Dark Tower!

All those people buying all that other crap and completely dismissing Dark Tower! "Something must be wrong," I thought to myself. I elbow my way through the crowd. I notice the box looks lopsided (tower doesn't fit nicely without the cardboard inserts) and has one split corner. Perhaps that is why it's still there. Still, there is very little shelf-wear. So I pop the (EGADS!) tape holding it together and check to see if everything is there.

Geez! The board still creaked when I opened it. This game had hardly been played! Ignoring the hostile looks of some of the attendents (presumably for having opened the game) I try to catch my breath and slow my racing heart. One key token missing. One warrior with a broken sword. Other than that, the game is pristine! How much? $3!

Firmly tucked underarm I head towards the entrance and wait nearly half an hour to make it though the line. Finally! I'm ready to pay my $3 and pull out my checkbook (didn't have any cash on me at the time). ACK!!! NO CHECKS LEFT!!! Heart starts racing again. Short of breath. Stunned-deer-in-the-headlight look.

I look for a place to stash it. Nowhere. Crap. I'm now being followed by a suspicious fellow. I put it underneath the table I got it from and walk quickly towards the exit. When I get outside I break into a run (someone probably thought I was stealing something), hop in my car and break the record for driving from work to home.

I fly up the stairs, throw open the door and shout, "Babe! Where's your checkbook? I need it NOW!" Five seconds later I'm running back out the door with a "I'll explain when I get back!" shouted over my shoulder.

Another speed record. I try not to knock down the slow people in front of my to get back to the table where the game is. I look. It's not there! NOOOOO! Ah wait! There it is on top! They must have seen me stash it and went to make sure everything was okey-dokie.

Paid. Out the door. In the car. Back home.

My wife's exact response: "You must have bought a game. I never see you move so fast in this heat unless it was for a game." Boy, do I love her!

I realized I didn't explain very well when she said, "You spent HOW much on a game?"

"No no no no. It's worth over $100. I only spent $3!"

She calmed down after that.

Verdict? IT WORKS! It REALLY works!

Explaination? (to quote Bugs Bunny) "Clean Livin'!"


(So anyone want a copy of Dark Tower? I don't really want it - I just couldn't stop thinking of how many games I could buy/trade with it!)


Anonymous said...

I don't believe you. Unless of course you send it over to me to authenticate your story.

Anonymous said...

You should have bought Conspiracy, too. Good game.