Friday, August 27, 2004

Tickle Me Tikal

Holy smokes! It's mine! It's finally mine!! ( ::Happy Snoopy Dance:: )

Thanks to the generosity of Scott Lewis, the game that has been on the top of my "To Get" list for years finally resides in my household. Of course I'll be sending a game to him as well (Shhh! It's a secret - not the fact that I'm sending him a game, just which one it is).

If I was a little puppy you'd have to put newspaper down - I'm so excited I could squirt! However, I shall endeavor to maintain some semblance of decorum. Between this and the other game trades this past month, plus the Dark Tower find, this is pretty close to a Golden Age of Gaming for me as ever.

The only blot on that picture, however, is the lack of a gaming group. Yes, I play most of my games with my family - which is quite enjoyable - but I'm thinking of (GASP!) being proactive and start putting up flyers around campus. (School this semester is going incredibly well by the way - helps being an old fart who loves what he is studying.)

Life is GOOD !


Anonymous said...

I can appreciate your excitement as Tikal is one of my favorite games out there - but I hadnt realized it was so hard to get. Get a good understanding of the rules first before you attempt to teach anyone new - it can be a little unusual for people new to the genre. I think you'll really enjoy it once you get someone willing to try it out. Play the basic game first and maybe even your family would give it a try.

Nice score!

Anonymous said...

I just got my copy of Tikal in a trade a few days ago. Looks like a great game, I've read the rules and played a few sample turns, but haven't gotten to play a real game yet. I think the "Indiana Jones" theme is the key to getting non-gamers to try it out.

Anonymous said...

Hey Steve,

I'm glad you're happy with it. I've still got a copy. I've played it maybe 5 times and enjoy it a lot. I feel like it still has a lot of plays left in it. And it's pretty to look at... I still haven't played Java yet.

So what am I getting? No don't tell me. What is it? Nevermind...

Anonymous said...

I know how you feel. I was eyeing Tikal for a long time. Well, not that long, I've only known about it for a year, but it was one of the first games to catch my eye after discovering the Geek. Of course I had to get an interest in an out of print game. Fortunately Rio Grande had a copy at Origins!

Unfortunately with a five player group, it is hard to pull out. It has only been played twice; once with my sweetie, and once I actually volunteered to sit out of the game just to watch the other four play.

Anonymous said...

When you said how excited you were about getting Tikal, that brought a find memory for me; Tikal was the first German game I ever bought -- April 2001. I still have it and, because it is a tremendous game and because it was my first game, I don't think I'll ever part with my copy!

Congrats. It is a great game.

Anonymous said...

Jealous. I am *so* jealous. But I *will* find a copy, I just know it!

Enjoy, and let us know how your first game goes!!

Anonymous said...

For those still seeking this gorgeous game, the Rio Grande newsletter says they are planning to have a reprint out in October or November.

Congrats on the happy trade! Tikal is definitely one of the prettiest games in my collection and deserving of more plays that it's gotten thus far.