Monday, September 27, 2004

A New Gamer is Born!

Almost a week ago (Monday, Sept 13) my wife gave birth to a little baby girl. I haven't announced it until now because I've been a bit busy with my other three kids, and school, and family, and visitors, get the idea.

When our last two kids were born, we brought games to the hospital to play while we waited - obviously not during heavy labor. This time we only brought two games because we weren't expecting a long wait - her water broke a week early instead of going in to be induced a week late.

First, I am unashamed to admit that I won my first game of Hera & Zeus while we were there. My victory was only slightly blunted by the fact that I beat a pregnant lady having a baby. Still, I can't really feel bad, because she totally slaughtered me in a game of Upwords.

9:22 in the evening Emma was born, unbeknownst, into a family of gamers. Do you think the nurses would have let us out of the hospital if they knew?

Generations come and generations go, but the games will stay in our family forever!


Anonymous said...

Congrats Steve & unnamed wife!

Has Emma registered on the geek yet? What's her favourite game? Is she tired of Settlers already? Did you get to suck on the gas while you were there?

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear everything went so smoothly. Now do you have enough "Games to Play When You're Too Tired to Think"?

Anonymous said...

Hello Emma!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats & best wishes!

Anonymous said...

Emma... hmm, which game did you name her after again?

Congrats on the new gamer!

Anonymous said...

Congrats. It's always encouraging to know that my wife and I weren't the only ones to bring games to the hospital and play while she was in labor. My wife is wily and often destroys me at alot of games, so I took advantage of the labor pains and really laid the pressure on when she was wincing. I couldn't help it. I need every break I can get with her.

Anyway. Congrats. Emma is a beautiful name.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!! My son just turned 10 on the 14th...another 10 yrs and..omigosh..he'll be 20!!!!

Play play play while you can because they grow so quickly!

On another note, my weekend job is taking new born baby pictures at the local hospital. I get my baby fix and extra $$ for more games.

Anonymous said...

My youngest son turned 20 on Saturday...apparently he ages twice a fast as I do. I don't feel as though it's been 20 years since he arrived. Maybe not even 10 years except in my knees.

Anonymous said...

Welcome, another geeklet! You'll have to break Emma into the geek world slowly, or (as all kids do) she'll reject us completely.

I hope everyone is doing well; my wife kicks my ass at Upwords and Scrabble, too...

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!! I hope to contribute with another geeklet (love that word) in May (or rather my wife does )

You'll have to break Emma into the geek world slowly, or (as all kids do) she'll reject us completely.

I have been concerned about that one too. Exactly when do you break it to them that their parents are of the Geekdom?
Imagine the trauma caused when stumbling in on us in the middle of the night playing a game of "Entdecker".

I have already begun stockpiling pirate themed boardgames. What did that box say again? Four years!? That's an eternity!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Fuzzy Dice instead of other stuffed animals as baby toys?

Just make sure they are baby safe.