Saturday, October 09, 2004

A Real, Living Gaming Group!!

Okay, so I get a message here on the Geek about two weeks ago from Andy (ralgnar), who is new to the Geek, wanting to get together for some gaming. Sure! You bet! So we set a meeting time and place for Saturday at 10am. We meet up, sit down and start to pull out our games. Suddenly, a group of people are standing next to us with armfuls of games....I thought they were with Andy....nope. Apparently there is a gaming group who meets at that spot every Saturday at 10!


Holy Smokes!!! There ended up being 11 people there (male and female)! Did I mention they meet every Saturday? I have people to game with!!!

Since I can't remember everyone's name, I can't do a detailed session report. But here is the abridged version: We first split into two groups. The one I was in played Munchkin with several expansions (don't hate me because I'm a geek), and I have to say they are a fun group to play that with. The other group played...I think it was called Ninja Burgers...? Looks funny but not really my thing. After that, I managed to convince (not that it was hard) three others to play Through the Desert with me. I came in second to last. Had a great time, though. While we played that, a game of Carcassone was started. I had to leave after that - family obligations and all - but I know my wife and I will both join in as often as we can.

Anyone else in the area (Pullman, WA - Washington State University) feel free to join us!


Anonymous said...

AWESOME! Glad to hear such a great story. Our own local group seems to be really starting to take off now, too. Its not quite weekly, yet, but we're getting enough players each time to play some meatier games.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Steve. Now you just have to find (or make) the time to play. Isn't the Geek just the greatest? It's responsible for my finding a fellow gamer and starting a Game Night every 2 weeks.

Thanks to BGG from all of us!!!!

Anonymous said...

Great journal entry Steve. I recall you and discussing gaming in your area a few months back.

Just remember, if you get to Boise we play board games every Thursday night at the store here.