Thursday, November 04, 2004

Table Too Small or Game Too Big?

A few weeks ago I picked up a copy of Heroscape. I've been drooling over the bits for awhile but hadn't taken the time to actually set the game up - for a variety of reasons. Last night I finally got my chance, and started piecing together the first scenario.

Let me give you the range of thoughts that were going through my mind that night:

1) Wow, this game is really neat!
2) Okay, runnig out of room on the table, better move the box to the floor.
3) Hmm...still not enough room. Move the flower vase to the kitchen.
4) Crap...okay, I think the extra leaf to the table is around here somewhere...
5) Whew! Finally got it all together.
6) Where am I suppose to roll the dice?!?


Anonymous said...

Have you tryed rolling the dice in the game box top?

Anonymous said...

Heroscape is epic. It requires a large table.

Anonymous said...

I just created a program on my TI-82 calculator, just hit in how many I want and boom, instant #.

Plus I can use it to keep track of other numbers.

Anonymous said...

BTW, my heroscape is hanging off both sides of my table.

Anonymous said...

Maybe we should call it Herolandscape

Anonymous said...

I have a pretty standard Office Depot (or some such) folding table and one set has not been that much of a problem. Now when I break out my second set...

Anonymous said...

Or just a room which is too small for the table?

Anonymous said...

There's a train game (I can't remember the name of it) that actually recommends you play it on the floor because of the space it requires. It's a card game, and I believe you're trying to build train length.

So, have you tried HeroScape on the floor?

Anonymous said...

Real gamers have a 4'x8' table :P

Actually, since I have 3 kids and they frequently have a friend or two over, we've got a monster of a dining room table.

Anonymous said...

"There's a train game (I can't remember the name of it) that actually recommends you play it on the floor because of the space it requires"

I believe you're referring to Alan Moon's Freight Train:

Mississippi Queen gets that way too.

Anonymous said...

I've got two 2x4 foot folding tables that I put together to make a 4' square

Throw a dark table cloth over it and you got a perfect playing surface. I only have one Heroscape set though. I think two would still fit on on it.

Anonymous said...

I certainly have had problems playing War of the Ring on an ordinary-sized table.

Anonymous said...

Fairly often, we set up both Carcassonne and Hunters and Gatherers on the same table. We (five players) walk around the table, playing both games simultaneously. So far, the games have not merged, but it has come close a few times.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I forgot to mention that I never have to worry about running out of table space at my house. We have a counter-height table that, with the leaf, measures about 4'x6'. It's also useful when playing Carabande, because you don't have to stoop as far to take your turn!

Anonymous said...

I have a sectional expanding table my parents used to have as their dining room table in their apartment (44 years ago). It is solid wood and expands from 4'x4' to 4'x12'!!

Anonymous said...

A trip to Costco. 2 tables 2.5 x 6 ft with folding legs. Add a table cloth and presto, 1 table is good for most games. Plenty of room for the players. 2 tables for the BIG games. Still plenty of room for the game and the pieces not yet in play. Eagle games anyone?