Sunday, January 16, 2005

New School Semester...Must Be Time to Play Games!

Classes started up again this last week. And what a long week it was too. Being an old fart (at least these kids make me feel like one some days) can really be a drag some days. On a more positive side, I joined the university's Master Swimming program (5:30 AM workouts! YIKES!!). It has been years since I swam competitively and it was nice to get back in the pool - I kept thinking: "I sure hope the lifeguard is awake. He might have to earn his pay this morning!"

I've set a goal for myself to not only do continue doing good in my classes (last semester went GREAT!), but to also do the "Brute Squad" workout by the end of the year. For those interested in what that means (and if you are familar with swimming terminology) you can see what that entails at

And on an even more positive note, the new semester has brought back the gaming folks! Yea! Eight of us showed up this Saturday for some gaming. Unfortunatly I couldn't stay long, so I only got two games in: Tikal (which I had be itching to play for a long time now) and a lightning speed version of Carcassonne. I lost horribly in both games. I was greatly impressed by Tikal, and it could very easily become a top favorite.

I also learned more about the history of this particular gaming group. It turns out they started as a Diplomacy club. I think they still might play every now and then, but I haven't seen them play since I joined up with them. Maybe they are keeping me away out of fear of my superior negotiating skills...yeah, right... Before I came along, it looked like they mostly played games like Settlers (K&C mostly), Carcassonne, and a wide variety of Steve Jackson games - mostly Munchkin (shudder).

It's fun to see them come up and ask what I brought in my bag of goodies this week. Since none of them had heard of BGG (nor have any joined even though I continually mention it - slackers) most of the games I bring are new to them...and they really enjoy them. Still, it's a fantastic way to spend each Saturday morning: teaching new games, playing new games, getting stomped in previously mentioned games, etc...

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