Friday, January 13, 2006

Creative Writing Stuff

I've added links to my creative writing stuff over on the left side to make it easier for folks to find it. Because of the nature of the Lone Wolf site, I'm making links to my individual posts (just be aware that the pages might take a while to load - when they do, it will automatically jump to my posts). I'll keep adding to the list as I write least until it becomes too long, then I'll figure something else out. Until then...enjoy!


Huni said...

psst... the link for your DM whatciehoozit doesn't work. It's looking for a address. They look really interesing though.

Steve said...

Grumble, grumble, grumble....stupid technology...I'll get it fixed...

Huni said...

Butt-Kicker 75%
Storyteller 75%
Casual Gamer 50%
Method Actor 50%
Power Gamer 42%
Specialist 42%
Tactician 17%

That's what I got :)