Tuesday, January 17, 2006


What a day. Actually, what a couple of days...

Yesterday the kids started swim lessons back up...and all the chaos that implies. Even Rebekah started up this time. We signed her up for a parent/child class, because she was really worried. I was planning on being in the water with her every time, but I forgot my suit (it's locked up in the locker room at the college pool...which was also locked up due to it being Martin Luther King Jr. Day). So Leslie got in with her. That means Emma and me got to bum around at the edge of the pool. I think everyone is going to do great this time around.

Speaking of swimming, I was in the pool myself again today. Only got in 1200 yards (was supposed to have been 1600)...got a late start and didn't get to the cool down before I had to get to my next class. It still wasn't great, but was much better than last week. The coach joked with me about how "starting over" was so much fun. I replied, "Must be. I do it so often." She got a kick out of that.

Classes are classes. It still early enough in the semester where everything is a review. Since all my classes are anthropology, I get to review all the same stuff for all my classes...ugg...

Oh! And I just found this picture of the kids from this last summer with their Uncle Nathan (the one holding Emma) and their two cousins (Olivia and Michael - upper right) from Leslie's side. Click on it for a better view!

1 comment:

Huni said...

great picture