Thursday, January 12, 2006

Water Woes

Got back in the pool today after about six months off...egad was it ugly. Six months shouldn't have killed me as much as it did. Guess I'm just getting old. Anyway, I only did just under 1500 yards today (didn't finish the "long distance" 300...pathetic), which isn't much - especially when you consider I swam in a competitive meet just a year ago.

Which reminds me - I was going to post up my times from that meet but never got around to it. I just found my paper the other day so here were my times. WARNING! These are a year old and do not reflect my abilities now - nor should they be compared to my times when I was a teenager.

1650 Free - 15:29.44
50 Free - 27.71
50 Fly - 32.87
50 Breast - 37.25
50 Back - 33.50
500 Free - 7:11.71

Feel free to mock, but I'm not listening!


Anonymous said...

Not mocking...I'm very impressed you even have a time for the 1500!!!! My moden line was eaten by Callum so I've been unable to access the internet. I will do a new post tomorrow.

Huni said...

holy molten lava batman!

Erm... some of those times are faster than what I had in college! Bleh :P~

Steve said...

Again, that was last year when I was in shape. As I mentioned, I had a REALLY tough time finishing a 300...oh wait...I DIDN'T finish, umm...yeah...I'll need a few months to get back up there.