Sunday, June 04, 2006

Occupational Dilemma

It is getting to be crunch time. We are still in student housing and our lease is up at the end of this month. The Scouts haven't said "no" to me yet, but they certainly haven't said "yes" yet. It is completely infuriating. If I do not hear from them by the end of this next week, I'm going to have to call it off and pursue a different option that has recently presented itself.

While it doesn't pay as much as Scouting would, one of my former co-workers at the library has informed me of a staff opening there. I have to get my application in by the 12th - which is this coming monday. The job involves working in the same unit I was working in as a student, so I'm pretty sure I have a good chance of getting the position.

If that happens, we will still have to move. I've been looking at some real estate around town here and I think I have found a place. For the price they are asking for it, it is probably a bit of a fixer-upper - but I guess you have to take what you can get. I'll go take a closer look at the house tomorrow. I would REALLY prefer to move away. I haven't hated a town this much in a long time.

This whole situation has me a bit on edge and I've a polite way of saying this...grumpy lately. I've probably taken it out on the kids more than I should have. No one is perfect....

1 comment:

Huni said...

I so hear you bro! Do what you can. Hugs