Sunday, September 17, 2006

Night Terrors

I finally figured it out this last week. Isaiah has been suffering from night terrors. He had them in the past several times, but he didn't have any problems during our travels this last summer (thankfully). However, they have started up again, and I have finally figured out what to call them and what to do about it.

I tell ya, it has been frustrating and (I have to admit) a bit (or a lot) annoying. While I don't think he has a lot of anxiety, he probably does have a lot of scary images floating around in his head (I've attempted to remedy this over the years by thinning out our movie/tv/dvd collection). More importantly, there is a study that mentions breathing irregularities having something to do with night terrors. I can readily believe this since Isaiah had RSV as a newborn and probably has all kinds of breathing irregularities.

Even if there isn't much I can do for him (other than having his tonsils and/or adenoids removed), at least I can be a little more rational about the situation.

1 comment:

Old Gramps said...

Loved your blog on powdered milk. I need all the help I can get. Anyone else got something useful to contribute? New blog Love Dad