Thursday, October 12, 2006

Feeling Somewhat Better


The upside of having a rough period of time is that at some point things do get better. Yesterday (yeah, Happy Birthday to me and all that rot...whoop-de-doo) after being rejected by a janitorial company (quote: "You really don't want to clean houses for a living. You should go get a master's degree or something."), I walked into a local temporary employment agency (Humanix) and asked if they could help me out. Now, the reason I had not gone that route earlier is because the only experience I had prior to this was when I ended up as a contractor for Boeing...a job that I completely hated.

This time, however, looks to be a little more promising. While I am not working yet, they did sit me down and ran me through a battery of tests that took about 3 hours to complete. Because of that, I am confident that they have a good grasp of my abilities and strengths. Also, after talking with one of their employment specialists, who didn't pre-judge me in any way (a tremendous breath of fresh air to this whole crappy experience), I am confident in their ability/desire to find me something that I can do...and they do not charge me any money for this! Their fees are paid by the companies that hire them to pre-screen temporary and/or full time candidates. Looks like a win/win situation to me.

No matter what happens, it was a nice birthday present and has helped get me out of the funk I've been in lately (somewhat). I guess I just needed to get really pissed off first in order for me to go in there.


Huni said...

glad things are looking up & happy birthday. Yes, I did remember yesterday. Several times in fact. I just kept forgetting to either post or send you a card.

Old Gramps said...

Late Happy Birthday to you. Your dad and I both thought of you and said Happy Birthday to you but you just didn't hear it. We were on our way back from AZ. Just got the internet up and running after being on the phone for 2hours trying to explain to someone who doesn't speack engling what was wrong. Glad things are looking up for you. Love to all, Helen