Friday, October 06, 2006

Speaking of the Bobs...

This past week, rough as it has been as far as job interviews, reminds me of another Bobs song. Here it is in its entirety:

Like a parrot in a picture window,
I can see where I'd like to be.
But repeated blows to my feathered little head
Have taught me not to fly straight.

Kinda depressing, huh? It has been that kind of week. I'm starting to lose my self-confidence in being able to convince others that I can do something...anything. It's not that I don't think I can do the job, just my ability to communicate to others that I can do that job. It is entirely frustrating - especially when an interview starts with the question: "So, why haven't you been working for the past few months?" As if there is something wrong with me. Arrrgg! SCREW YOU!

I though about deleting that last bit, but I'm not going to. I'm that frustrated. Somedays I just know Leslie is glad I'm not a cussing man...


Huni said...

Sorry things are so frustrating at this point. Wish I could help.

Lifeofpiggys said...

Pack up and move to England...everyone else does.

Be a window cleaner!

Who are the Bobs?

Steve said...

The Bobs are a singing group that I have heard categorized as "alternative- a cappella"