Sunday, November 26, 2006

The Fruits of My Loom

Yeah, I gotta claim 'em...and yeah, they're fruits.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

There's a Grumpy Frog in my Gene Pool!

Not really. Or maybe there is. It would explain a lot.

Anyhow, I've decided to dedicate this particular blog entry to some non-ranting topic. I just don't know what that topic will be yet. Oh, how about the Diplomacy game I'm in.

Diplomacy is a board game that came out sometime in the 1960s (yeah, ancient history, I know). However, it has really come to shine with the rise of the Internet. The game, as the name suggests, is all about building and ruining diplomatic relations with the other players. It is set in pre-World War One Europe and each player controls one of the major nations: England, France, Germany, Italy, Austria-Hungry, Russia, or Turkey (although there are a huge number of variations nowadays). The majority of each turn is writing letters to the other players, trying to convince them to help your cause...or at least not hinder you.

The next part is writing orders for your military units on the board (of which you have one for each supply center you control). A game moderator collects the orders, reveals them simultaneously and adjudicates the results. The goal is to control 18 of the 34 supply centers.

As you are never sure what the other players are going to do or what deals they may have with other players, the game is full of intrigue, lying, pleading, threatening, misinforming, guessing, convincing, and just about everything else that could conceivably go on in Real World political manipulations.

Turns happen once a week - it can't be considered a fast-paced game by any means, but that time is not spent idle. The emails are furiously flying the whole time (or should be anyways).

The board for the game I am currently in looks like this:

Perhaps in a bit of irony, I drew Russia as my nation. They are the white pieces in the upper right corner in and around the Scandinavian nations, and the white pieces in and around the Black Sea in the lower right. I currently control 6 supply centers (the areas that have the little white dot patterns), but things will change shortly. As you can see, I have a fleet in Norway (that used to belong to England...heh), but Germany, a former ally, has moved an army into Sweden - despite his claims of neutrality in those northern countries. Retribution will be swift...if only I can convince England to agree to some sort of peace treaty...which means I might have to give back Norway. Yuck.

Russia has the unenviable position of having its forces split between a northern and a southern front. Of my southern neighbors, I am in a (hopefully) strong alliance with Austria (red), while Turkey and I are pretty much in a stalemate until Austria can deal with those pesky Italians and Germans on his west flank. Once that is done (easier said...) we will be able to crack Turkey open fairly easily.

So my take on the other nations positions:

England (dark blue): Weak. Unless I can convince him to stop being a lackey of the Germans, I don't see him as gaining much ground.

France (light blue): Fair. A screw-up in his last set of orders left a fleet stranded in Portugal. It could have been so much more useful out in the Atlantic somewhere. Oh well.

Austria (red): Fair. A staunch ally, but threatened by the Italian-German alliance. I'm trying to do what I can to break that up.

Turkey (yellow): Fair to Good. I rate his position above the previous ones, not because he is in any position to gain much ground, but because he is strong defensively. However, that will change over time now that I have a fleet in the Black Sea.

Italy (green): Good. Bit of a pompous player and a wild card in the game. His early attack on Austria would have failed spectacularly if it wasn't for Germany meddling in areas that should be none of his concern. Poses a threat to my ally, Austria.

Germany (black): Strong. If things go well for him this next turn, he will have the strongest position on the board by far. We mutually agreed on a demilitarized zone in our centers, but if he gains the two supply centers that I think he will, he can march right into the heartland of Russia and there would be little I could do about it. My only hope is to convince the others of his imminent superior position.

Where would I rate Russia? Prior to this turn, I felt I was on top of the pack. Unfortunately, Germany's stab and Turkey's unexpected moves (which stalemated us) have drastically stalled my world domination. Therefore, I put myself somewhere between Italy and Turkey. I only put myself below Italy because it seems the Italian-German alliance is still going strong, while my alliance with Germany

In any case, this is not a game for those who have their feelings hurt easily and often. It is brutal at times. The rules of Diplomacy are really quite simple. It's the human factor that makes the game what it is.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Concerning Male-Bashing

I work in a nearly all-female team at my job. Not that I mind, but DANG! Sometimes they get chatting about a topic that just annoys me to no end. For example: Today they started discussing all of the perceived problems with men (most either blatantly false or ridiculously ignorant). To top it all off, one of the women, who just returned to work after having a baby a few weeks ago, came in with her husband and new child to show them off to everyone. When it was time to go, the husband asked, "Which way is the exit?" as he was leaving with the baby. (Our set of cubicles is not near the exit and it can be quite confusing to someone who isn't there every day.)

This woman had the gaul to mock her husband in front of everyone and then pointing a finger in the right direction, proceeded to launch into the foolishness of males in general - which several other women happily joined in.

Now, I don't have a problem with women in the workplace, but these women in particular seem to have no etiquette when it comes to their better half visiting them at work. I would place a large sum of money on a man actually getting up and escorting his wife to the exit. ESPECIALLY if she was a new mother.

I've met more and more women lately (generally those in the workforce) that claim that men don't understand women, but honestly believe that they understand all men. Bull crap. We are not just simplistic little animals that think of nothing but food, sex, and video games. Men might ACT that way, but only because the women in their lives treat them like children.

Grown men do not need their wife/girlfriend to be their mother. Nor do we necessarily want a damsel in distress to rescue. We want a woman who we can ride off into the unknown adventures with TOGETHER. We will rescue them if they need it, but we want to be sure they will rescue us when WE need it. A companion. A helpmeet. A friend. A lover. A co-adventurer. Someone who will make us want to live up to the ideals of honor, integrity, chivalry, etc.

All that being said, I am not a misogynist. On the contrary, I am a solid supporter of feminism - meaning the true definition, and not the pseudo-political crap that is thinly disguised misandry/misogamy.

Okay, rant over. Sometimes American culture worries me.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Clarification on Answer #1

My answer to question #1 below is really a massive oversimplification. It completely ignores the years between that event and when I started dating my wife. Those intervening years did see some other relationships, but I find it interesting (and somewhat telling) that that one particular relationship is what jumped into my mind.

Perhaps the more correct answer to the question would be: I had to make a decision who I wanted to seriously start dating, my wife or this other girl who I had spent a lot of time with. I chose my wife...obviously.

All in all, I wish that question wasn't asked. Brings up too many awkward memories.

Getting To Know Me (But Do You Really Want To?)

Okay Sis, I'll humor "being tagged." Just remember, you asked for it...

1. Explain what ended your last relationship? I have to answer this? She got married. I am firmly convinced that I am much happier now anyway.

2. When was the last time you shaved? This morning before church.

3. What were you doing this morning at 8 a.m.? Plotting world domination in the online Diplomacy game I'm in.

4. What were you doing 15 minutes ago? Reading some comics on

5. Are you any good at math?I've gotten better at it over the years. Wishing I didn't say "When will I EVER use this in real life?" so much in high school.

6. Your prom night? Did I go to prom? Huh...must have been REAL memorable...

7. Do you have any famous ancestors? Adam and Eve, Noah, probably Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob as well.

8. Have you had to take a loan out for school? Yes, but it will be nothing but a memory before too long.

9. Do you know the words to the song on your myspace profile? I don't have the slightest idea what this question is about.

10. Last thing received in the mail? A utility bill, 2 credit card offers, an overpriced clothing catalog that I have never heard of before, a Victoria's Secret catalog (don't ask), and a bank statement.

11. How many different beverages have you had today? Two - water and milk.

12. Do you ever leave messages on peoples answering machines? Never.

13. Who did you lose your CONCERT virginity to? Now, this all depends on what exactly is meant by this question. In either case I refuse to answer.

14. Do you draw your name in the sand when you go to the beach? Yes. Followed by my wife's name and a heart drawn around them both.

15. What was the most painful dental procedure you have had? Every. Single. One.

16. What is out your back door? An ugly back yard that I hope will revive in the spring.

17. Any plans for Friday night? I don't plan that far ahead.

18. Do you like what the ocean does to your hair? I claim true indifference.

19. Have you ever received one of those big tins of 3 different popcorns? Not only did I received one, but I have bought several in years past. I don't anymore.

20. Have you ever been to a planetarium? I vaguely remember being in one as a small child.

21. Do you re-use towels after you shower? That all depends...

22. Some things you are excited about? God, Family, and Country.

23. What is your favorite flavor of JELLO? Gotta go with red.

24. Describe your keychain(s)? A small vial of consecrated oil.

25. This question is MIA. Okay...

26. Where do you keep your change? A clear-green piggy bank.

27. What kind of winter coat do you own? Well, what do you know? I don't have one. Huh. Guess I'm going to have to do something about that before it gets TOO cold.

28. What was the weather like on your graduation day? I'm trying to forget my high school graduation (thanks for bringing up a rotten memory) and I refused to attend my college graduation.

29. Do you sleep with the door to your room open or closed? Open. Only so I can hear my kids if they need me having to beat the [CENSORED] out of any intruders. And I'm not kidding.

30. Did U read this far? For starters, I HATE when someone uses text-speak like "U" for "you" - drives me nuts. Other than that, I refuse to "tag" anyone else for this. If you couldn't tell from my responses, I'm feeling a bit ornery and I probably won't read your responses anyway. So there.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Veteran's Day

National Defense Service Medal
Air Reserve Meritorious Service Medal
Air Force Longevity Service Award
Armed Forces Reserve Medal
NCO Professional Military Education Ribbon
Air Force Basic Military Training Honor Graduate Ribbon
Small Arms Expert Marksmanship Ribbon
Air Force Training Ribbon

To all the men and women who have served in the military of their respective countries: Thank you.

To all those who have not been in the military: You're welcome.

To former (or current) military folk (of any country) who act (or speak) dishonorably: I cannot conjure up the words I would need to fully express my disgust. I'll just leave it at that.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Okay, Okay...Stop Calling Me

Here's the deal: Now that I'm spending 8 hours a day at work, I can't say I'm terribly thrilled to rush home and write about work in my blog. Don't get me wrong, my new job is good, but I've got so many other things going on that I haven't felt like sitting down and typing.

When I get home around 4:00, I usually have things to plan for - I'm the new Webelos (Cub Scouts) leader that I have to plan for so the boys don't run wild every Wednesday. Saturdays, I've learned that I have to use most of that day gathering supplies for scouts as well as preparing a sunday school lesson for a large group of 13-14 year olds. Add that to trying to find time to spend some time with each of my kids individually as well as spending time with my wife.

Dang. I guess I'm all growed up now.

Anyway, work is ticking right along. My official title is "Utility Coordinator." I just finished a long training class yesterday. And since my desk doesn't get set up until tomorrow, I've been in a limbo-like existence. Added to that, my manager is on jury duty, so I'm not really sure what I'm supposed to be doing. Of course, everyone else in the unit is more than happy to have me help them with their

On the upside, on week two of working, the company did an adjustment to their pay-scale and I ended up getting a $2 an hour raise. I'm actually making an "almost out of poverty" wage! Actually, it isn't that bad, but with 4+ kids I'm still considered poor enough to qualify for all kinds of government assistance programs...not that I need them now - it's called LIVING WITHIN YOUR MEANS, PEOPLE!

(Insert appropriate rant about people thinking govt. assistance is a right not a privilege here)

As for the recent elections...the way everything has been handled (and the associated opposing reactions) is, to me, a prime example of why we need a third political party in this country. Yeah, yeah, there is the Libertarians or the Green Party, or any number of "little guys" but nothing that can compete yet. I probably more closely agree with the Libertarians...with a few exception of where they carry a few issues to illogical extremes. Anyhow, unless the current Democrat/Republican parties can figure out what they actually stand for (besides the sole goal of being (re)elected and being "in control"), I'm not sure where I stand. Folks on both sides can be so ignorant/close-minded/misguided/whatever, that I'm a bit disillusioned all the way around. It has become more about what is good for "the party" rather than what is good for the country.

So a big raspberry to 'em all! :P