Thursday, April 05, 2007

Bad Haiku of a Utility Coordinator

A look into my job using a badly mauled form of ancient poetry. Don't expect to understand a lot of this...
Business. Gah...Business!
Why can't you understand me?

My name is Steve and-
Yes, I work for Advantage...
Fine. Fax me the form.

Verifying bills.
My, what a large stack that is!
Nothing matches. Crap.

Again I'm on hold.
Is this what they call music?
Wait. Did they hang up?

What? No meters there?
I don't deal with meter sets.
No, I'm not joking.

Please close this account.
No wait. We need it open.
Wait. I'll have to call back.

Desktop fax is cool!
But it can't fill out my forms.
Desktop fax sucks bad!

My drivers license?
Social security card?
You are quite insane.

Open request form
Is not filled out correctly.
I need an address.

Specialist knows not,
Analyst knows not either,
What Team Everest does.

It's a team meeting?
Look at the happy faces!
Oh, it's the lunch room...

Call volume is high
Longer than normal wait time.
No. This IS normal.

Push "three" for business.
Why'd I get residential?
Please fix your menus.

Waiting for a fax...
Where's my Access record?
It's like a party.

It's very crowded.
Don't push the printer button
When I'm faxing.

Uh oh, what do I push now?
Umm...lo siento?

1 comment:

Huni said...

sounds about right for a day at work.