Sunday, June 10, 2007

What is it About the Duck Tie?

Once upon a time, a man had a maroon tie with an embroidered duck at the bottom. It caught the attention of the man's son and soon the son was wearing it all the time and the man never saw it again.

As the son grew older, he kept the tie. Oh, he had other ties, but the tie he had "borrowed" from his father was one of his favorites. Eventually, the son got married and started having kids of his own.

One Sunday morning, his own oldest son came out from his closet carrying the duck tie and told his dad, "Dad, I want to wear this tie."

Now this little boy had never worn a full tie before. It had only been clip-ons. Somewhat humored, the dad tied it for him and let him wear it. And behold! The kid looked good in it.

This little boy (the grandson of the original owner of the tie) now seems to have laid claim to the tie and wears it every Sunday.

The moral of the story: Dad, if you want your duck tie back, you'll have to bring it up with your grandson. Apparently I no longer own it.


Truth & Other Lies said...

Good Golly Batman! A family tradition. Two more generations and the tie will have to placed in the Holy of Holies and paraded around the village square once every seven years with no one willing to touch it in fear of being struck dead by bolt of lightning. (In some strange way I feel that it is an honor he wants to wear it.) Love dad

Huni said...

that's great. May the tie be passed on again in years to come.