Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Clean Bill of Health and a Trip to Indiana

I had a doctor's appointment today. It has literally been decades since I had a checkup. I was a bit curious to what rare ailments I might have (not Maid's Elbow...PLEASE...anything but Maid's Elbow!) As it turns out, I'm perfectly healthy. I'll try not to be too disappointed. A brain tumor sure would have explained a lot, however.

I do have to go back for some lab work. They want to screen me for diabetes and high cholesterol. Something about "family history"...go figure. At least I squeaked out of having a colonoscopy...'nuff said.

In other news...I'M GOING TO GEN CON! WOO HOO! Yeah, there is still another task to perform and an interview, but at this point I figure I've already got my prize. I mean, a free trip to Gen Con: Plane ticket? Paid for. Hotel? Paid for. Entrance fee? Paid for. And hopefully I'll come back with lots of swag.

Yeah, I'm geeking out about it.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Creating New Gamers Since 1997!

Wilson Family Gamers - Raising the Next Generation of Gamers!

No Saturday morning cartoons at this house! It’s wake up early and grab the board games.

Later that morning, everyone takes a trip down to one of the three local game stores to browse the games and watch a few rounds of the Magic: The Gathering 10th Anniversary Tournament.

Back at home, the joys of fantasy hack & slash dungeon crawling is played out with the old Hero’s Quest board game.

Nostalgia runs high as Dad re-lives the glory days of his youth with the Red Box Dungeons & Dragons RPG. Mystara lives on!

During family game night, a homemade turntable helps those with shorter arms reach all parts of the board.

Before the Internet (gasp!), playing wargames solo was a way of life for some grognards. However, explaining the entertainment value of pushing around cardboard chits can prove to be difficult.

When Dad comes home from work, there is just enough time for a quick game of Mario Party on the Nintendo Gamecube.

After the kids are in bed, some adult companionship and a quiet game can help relax the mind...

...or stimulate the imagination.

Why grow up limiting yourself to just reaching for the stars when you can reach for the stars AND the top of the game shelf!

Friday, July 13, 2007

A Picture's Worth

The next round is a photo essay. Your challenge will be to take 10 photographs, showing us your gamer community. Your gamer community can include where you game, who you game with, how you game, or any other aspects of “community” you want to show us.

In addition, you have 250 total words with which to write captions for your photos (approximately 25 words each).

Oh man...I don't really have a gaming group. Well, that's not entirely true. I do play games with my kids, so I guess that is who I will take pictures of. It might even give me some bonus points - not just because they are cute, but because it will be a different group of gamers from all the other contestants.

Perhaps they will want someone who has views on the younger gamers...

Friday, July 06, 2007


I'm going to try to keep from getting angry during this post. Not likely to happen, but I'm going to try.

On the 4th of July, we went down to my in-laws to spend the day. Fairly soon after we got there, one of my wife's sisters told us that one of her kids was throwing up the day before and the other one threw up this morning...but they are better now so no worries.


I would have thought common courtesy demanded a phone call BEFORE we drove all that way. Come on...we have an infant! As it turns out, everyone got sick...REALLY sick. I had to miss a day of work, and I don't have that much sick/vacation time to be wasting on crap like this that could have been prevented.

Thursday night, Mary started to complain about her stomach hurting. Not long after that, she started throwing up. Leslie followed within a few hours followed by Emma. I could feel myself starting down that path, but I hoped to avoid it. I was kept busy by running between Mary's room and Emma (who was in the living room), emptying bowls and rubbing backs.

Isaiah slept on the couch and Rebekah was in her bed. I also had hopes they would miss out on it. No such luck. Around 3AM, Isaiah started hurling...followed by Rebekah only a few minutes later. I brought everyone out into the living room (except Mary, who was being the brave trooper in her room) for a grand ol' vomitous time. Out of the corner of my eye, I caught Leslie making trips from our room to the bathroom, so I know she wasn't faring well either.

I won't go into gory details, but at one point I had to shout out: "Will you people stop throwing up on me?!?"

Yeah...fun times were had by all...

By the time I started my own moments of fun, everyone but Isaiah had stopped. So we had to share the bathroom at times. Ah! Nothing like Father/Son bonding...

The whole family spent most of Friday sleeping. I had a raging headache most of the day while I thought of the things that needed to have been done at work today, but now had to wait.

Yeah...thanks for sharing...

The only bright note is Benjamin: He was the only one we were initially worried about getting sick and he just slept through the whole thing and woke up smiling. Thank Heavens for small miracles.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Silence is Golden

Okay here are the instructions I was given:


Congratulations! You have been selected to advance to the next round of the Ultimate Gamer Test.

The Next Challenge:

Produce a 3 minute video in which you pitch your favorite game to a theoretical fellow gamer who has not played it before.

You must then post the video to a publicly accessible web site (like YouTube, etc.) and send a link to the video to UGT@wizards.com by 11:59 p.m. EDT, Sunday, July 8.

The videos will be judged on three criteria:
1. Engaging - does your video engage the viewer and make them want to keep watching?
2. Compelling - does your video make the viewer want to play your favorite game?
3. Overall Presentation - is the quality of your video good? Is it entertaining to watch?

Considerations when making the video:
* Your video must be P.G. No nudity, bad language or obscenity of any kind (we know, this was the first thing you thought of).
* Be creative. There are many ways to show off your favorite game.
* You must appear in your video.
* The video can be no longer than 3 minutes.
* Be sure that you post it to a publicly available web site (no password, etc.)

Five finalists will win a trip to Gen Con, Indianapolis from August 16 -19, with 4-day passes, airfare, and hotel paid for by Wizards of the Coast. In addition, the winner will receive a seat on the Gleemax Advisory Board as well as $1000 in Wizards product. The runner-up will also receive a seat on the Gleemax Advisory Board. See http://www.gleemax.com/articles/rules.html for full rules and details.

Win or not, I had an incredibly fun time doing this. Taking off on the "Be creative" phrase, I went and put together an olde-tyme, silent movie...complete with the music that sounds like it is coming from a tin can (or is that just my speakers?). Honestly, I don't know if that is what they are looking for or not, but I had fun and learned how to use the iMovie program that was hiding on my computer.

There is a lot more I would have like to do, but given the limitations on available equipment, time, and my lack of acting ability, I think it turned out alright...for what it is. Besides, fake-aging the movie covered up a lot of blurry and bumpy shots (VERY small camera...like cell phone small. Not exactly the best thing for a project like this.)

In any case, HERE IT IS!. It's about 8 MB in size, so if you are on a dial up, it might take awhile. Just remember, I got my education in Anthropology, not Cinematography!

So...honestly...does it make you interested in playing the game, or are you just left with: "That guy is an idiot..."?