Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Workout Wonder

My workouts are going well. I'm even keeping a workout log at a weightlifting website where I can track my progress. So what exactly am I doing? Well, it's called a 5x5 workout. You start with an empty bar (in most cases) and add 5 pounds each workout. So far it has been easy, except for the bodyweight exercises (push ups, pull ups, etc.). I've been trying to work on my form so I don't kill myself as the weights go up.

It has been extremely nice to know exactly what I'm going to do when I get there. I can go it, set myself up, do my workout, and leave...all under an hour. At some point I'm going to add cardio workouts (i.e. swimming), but for now I'm just working on increasing my strength. Now that I'm doing something, I don't feel like I have to get in the pool right now. That being said, I do have a bunch of swimming workouts planned - workout that I have collected from when I was in the swim conditioning class and participating in the Masters swimming at WSU. The question is which to start with; which one will make me look the least like a drowning rat?

Monday, March 08, 2010

If I Was Unbalanced, Could I Do...This? (::insert awkward pose here::)

As a youth, I was never considered a jock or a nerd. Yes, I was athletic and yes, I did think of myself a quite smart (even if my grades didn't reflect it), but I didn't fit into either category. (Looking back, I admit I wasn't smart enough to think there might be more than two possibilities.) I had heard the phrase "jack of all trades" fairly early in life and attached myself to that - only to later hate that I was never passionate about any one thing. But that is going in a different direction than I want to go right now.

In my first year in college, I came across the term "philosopher-king" in my classical reading. This is a concept of someone who is strong physically like a traditional strongman-type "king" but who also trains his mind to be an equally strong "philosopher." The idea was that a perfect ruler would combine both worlds of jock and nerd. At the time, it was a mind-opening concept for me. Even now, I love the thought of living a balanced life of the physical, mental, and spiritual.

So, with that in mind, I've found a gym that has a pool. Now, in addition to my classic reading kick I've been on lately, I'll have the opportunity to workout as well. I'll be alternating swimming workouts with free weights.

3 Month Goals:
  • Squat 150 lbs (5 sets of 5 reps)
  • Deadlift 225 lbs (1 set of 5 reps)
  • Bench Press 115 lbs (5 sets of 5 reps)
  • Overhead Press 75 lbs (5 sets of 5 reps)

6 Month Goals:

  • Squat 195 lbs (5 sets of 5 reps)
  • Deadlift 270 lbs (1 set of 5 reps)
  • Bench Press 135 lbs (5 sets of 5 reps)
  • Overhead Press 105 lbs (5 sets of 5 reps)
...and I'm starting tonight.

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

We be Wee People; who be you?

Growing up as a short kid, I got picked on a lot. It's something you learn to live with. As a youth, I still got good humored teasing about being short. (The non-good humor teasing took a completely different tack.) As a middle-aged man (I have a hard time seeing myself as "middle-aged," but there it is...) there is still the occasional look-at-me-aren't-I-funny-messing-with-Steve moments. Generally, I just roll my eyes and move along with life.

So, I come into work today and find a big plastic pot of gold (not the chocolate kind either, bah!) on my desk. Stuck in the pot is a big sign reading "World's Greatest Leprechaun!" with my picture in the middle. (It doesn't help that my ears are slightly pointy.) Everyone found it extremely funny and waited to see how I would react. I put the pot (sign and all) on the cubical divider so everyone passing by could see and sat down to start my day at work. I think it was a bit anti-climatic for some. Ah well...I fully embrace my quirks.

Now for some background (this is a story I told in a team meeting several weeks ago): I ride the bus every day to and from work. Every once in awhile you meet some...interesting...people. So one morning I was at the bus stop when a fellow walks up obviously intoxicated. He starts asking me random questions and I respond politely. Generally I ignore people like that, but this guy was inoffensive and was actually somewhat entertaining. Finally, the bus pulls up and this fellow starts digging through his pockets and says, "Now I gotta come up with a dollar to get on the bus."

I happened to have a dollar coin in my pocket and, feeling unusally maganimous, I flip it over to him and say, "Here you go!" He catches it, looks at it, back at me, and breaks into a big ol' smile. He then says, "You're my best friend ever! You must be a leprechaun - you gave me gold!" As we got on the bus, he proceeded to tell everyone there that I was a leprechaun. It was an interesting bus ride.