Wednesday, July 07, 2004

Back in College

No no. This is not a rememberance of my good ol' youthful days of college. I'm literally back in college. A 30-year old with a quickly growing family quit his job, moved across the state of Washington and is now working part-time at the university library so rent and food (not to mention tuition) can be paid.

Needless to say, gaming purchases will be non-existent. That's not to say I don't occasionally drive across the state line to a small game shop in the basement of a drug store to drool over the outrageously priced games. At least I can touch them.

It's actually not much of a withdrawl. I never had much of a gaming group. We've moved around too much to develop anything. I know my kids wish I'd play more games with them, but I have only a few kid games at their level (my oldest child is 6). Don't get me wrong, I enjoy spending time with my family, but board games don't seem to be part of that. Pretty sad for a self-proclaimed board game geek. Maybe as they get older.

For now, it becomes a balancing act of family, school, and gaming. It's going to be an interesting year...


Anonymous said...

Just make sure that family comes first!

Anonymous said...


While your game purchases may be non-existent, access to gamers and games could probably increase in a University, won't it?


Steve said...

I'm keeping my fingers crossed and my eyes open. Just hope I can find board-gamers and not just role-players...not that they're a bad thing. Just not MY thing anymore.