Thursday, July 08, 2004

Family Reunions, Camping, and Games

Ah yes, family first. Case in point: We are leaving after work today to go to a huge family reunion this weekend.

My wife's side of the family has planned a camping trip with 30+ people and as we were packing, I couldn't pass up the chance to pack as many games as possible. True, playing games with the extended family has been in times past. There have been those moments of pure fun to keep the hope alive.

So there I was emptying out a clear plastic container that had been used for emergency car supplies (jumper cables, flares, extra diapers, etc.) to use as a temporary game box. I limited myself to only those games that could fit in there - so no huge boards. Here is what I managed to squeeze in:

Apples to Apples
Settlers of Catan
Settlers of Catan Card Game
Can't Stop
Quo Vadis
Mamma Mia
For Sale
Take It Easy
Modern Art
A Deck of Cards

Gamut of Games
Card Games Around the World
Book of Classic Board Games

I wanted to get a good range of games as some are decidedly non-gamers and think I have some sort of mental aberation...which really isn't that far from the truth.

When we get back, I'll probably make a geeklist of these games with comments on if we played and how it went.


Anonymous said...

Do you have Coloretto? I took that along on a recent camping trip, went over GREAT - very young kids can figure out the rules well enough to play it even if they can't grasp the strategies.

Please keep us posted tho, I'm always looking for good ideas for games to take outdoors or camping!

Anonymous said...

We played a LOT of Wyatt Earp when last we went camping; it seemed to fit very well. I might also suggest Give Me the Brain. Once Upon a Time is fun for younger kids (or the right group of adults), too.

The hard part for us has always been to convince non-gaming family members to give things a try. Interestingly, at the same time we've had complete strangers poke their noses in (in more public, KOA-style campgrounds), wondering what we were playing, and join right in - go figure.

Good luck & have fun!

Anonymous said...

Gotta teach 'em werewolf around the campfire!