Monday, July 26, 2004

What's That Sucking Noise?

Oh! It's my Go playing!

Since 2AM last night, I've played MANY games of Go. I've rediscovered why I'm not a big fan of abstract games. For the record, I lose most of the board games I play - but I have a good time. Go on the other hand...

Don't get me wrong. I have been enjoying myself. But after each game I sit there with a deer-in-the-headlight look thinking to myself "I don't get it." Granted, I'm new to the game and there is a lot to grasp, but I can't lose myself in the theme or the experience like I can with other board games I play. I end up frustrated with lack of players who suck as much as I do (teachers are great, but I'm usually in the mood to PLAY not sit in class). I'm going to have to reiterate what I've said before about Go: I think it would be neat to be good at it, but I'm not really up to spending the time to get good at it.

For now, I'll continue to play every now and then - but I'm not going to do it exclusively.

(P.S. Many thanks to those from BGG who have taken the time to review my games with me - my opinions above in no way reflect upon you guys. You're great!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Not only can't one play well when they are learning, one cannot even begin to understand the strategy involved. Even the tactics are fairly subtle. It takes quite a bit of dedication to get to the point where you see why moves are good and bad. It's pretty fun sometimes to just watch the top players' games (6dan and up). They make moves that make no sense to me, sometimes even after I see the results of the situation later.

Beginners tend to play for the kill. This is the surest way to lose. Go is about letting your opponent a way that benefits you more than them. Experienced players most often make "loose" plays that create influence rather than territory. Influence allows for great flexibility.