Saturday, August 27, 2005

Yup...Got the Job

My boss pulled my aside today and told me I got the promotion. Yea! Go me! Just when I had started to give up on the profession too. I still don't think that changes anything for the future, however. If I understand right, the staff positions still will not be available after I graduate. So who knows?

I don't think I want to do grad school right away anyhow. Just going to float along for a bit and see what happens.

...and yes, the time stamp on this post is accurate...1:30 AM...sheesh...

Friday, August 26, 2005

Wacky Work

So I go into work yesterday...

Just about all the staff members jump all over me asking why I didn't turn in an application for one of the two staff assistant positions. Apparently, they all had a meeting earlier to go over the applications together and noticed mine wasn't there. I didn't turn one in because in looking at the job description I thought it said I would have to work on Sundays. So I just threw it in the garbage without another look.

Well, it turns out that I DON'T have to work on Sundays. The hours listed were all the hours that ALL the staff assistants had to cover among themselves. My mistake. So my boss quickly grabbed me another application and had me fill it out as quickly as I could. Since these are the people who decide who gets the job, I have a sneaky suspicion that I might get one.

I could use a two dollar an hour raise...

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

New School Year

I started classes yesterday and the kids started school today. Isaiah is in kindergarden and loves it. He has been looking forward to it for a long time now. Mary is in 2nd She is growing up fast. She lucked out in that she is sits right next to one of her best friends in class. Overall, they are both loving it. Rebekah really wants to go to school as well, but she still has 2 more years to wait.

My classes are going to be...interesting this semester. I have 2 gender classes and 2 American Indian classes. The first class I have is "Sex, Gender, and Evolution" which, while the professor is entertaining, is going to be borderline lewd. Not that I'm a complete old fart, but a class of 90+ college students talking about sex is...well...I'll leave it to your imagination.

"Gender in Cross-Cultural Perspectives" is going to be tough. The work load is enormous. I actually find the topic vaguely interesting (I didn't think I was going to like it at all), but there is so much flippin' reading - and I'm not a fast reader.

"Contemporary Native Peoples of the Americas" is going to be good. The professor is a bit dry, but the topic is interesting. Since it is focusing on the Pacific Northwest (which is where I live), I'm really looking forward to getting into it.

And last is "North American Indian History, Precontact to Present" is also going to be interesting. Complements the other class well.

With some luck, I should do well this semester and then...ONE MORE TO GO!!! WOO HOO!!!

Friday, August 12, 2005

Hello Family!

This is a big shout out to my dad and sisters who I just finally got around to telling that this blog exists.

Okay, so I haven't written in awhile. The main reason is that I'm pretty discouraged with the whole library profession. When I first started looking into it, it seemed everyone was screaming that they had nobody to fill all the librarian positions out there. Not true. Sort of...

The problem is that there are no entry level positions open (according to a lot of people in the profession). The people that have been in the profession for years (decades?) do not want to move into manager slots. Which leaves the newly graduated library students no place to work.

I had planned on getting a masters degree in library sciences after I graduate this year, but I'm incredibly close to calling the whole thing off. But what about my current job? Well, I talked to some folks around here and it turns out that every time they lose a staff position, it is gone for good. When I graduate, there will be no open spots for me to fill. All in all, very discouraging.

So what to do? To quote Baldrick from the show Black Adder:

"I have a clever plan!"

More info to follow...