Monday, November 21, 2005

Turkey Day Approacheth...

Ack! Thanksgiving is coming and I need a recipe! Somehow I've gotten a reputation with Leslie's family as a good cook. I must have mentioned (though I don't remember it now) that I was going to make something for the big Thanksgiving dinner...I have no idea what to make. I'm thinking of doing some kind of bread - but I want it to be something other than plain ol' bread.

Aside from that, my crappy two weeks has been extended through the Thanksgiving break. A week from today I have a huge paper due on a gender-related topic of my choice ("Male Initiation Rites and the Identity of Masculinity"...oy vay!). The next day I have to turn in the first half of what is called a "reservation profile," which deals with the historical and contemporary issues of an American Indian tribe. This one is actually pretty interesting - I chose the Confederated Tribes of Siletz down in Oregon. Then after that, I have to rework my part of a group presentation I'm doing (which is also on contemporary Indian issues). My part focuses on the federal laws relating to the use of American Indian images which can be seen as racist, cultural harassment, etc. However, once those three things are done, this semester will essentially be over (I hope)! Yea!


Huni said...

wow... I'm so very glad I'm not an anthropologist...

really glad.

Hope the time goes by quickly. As for the bread... try this... sounds good to me

Steve said...

I decided to go with this recipe...

I'll let ya know how it turned out. Fun recipe site, by the way.