Monday, November 07, 2005

Heinous Rhymes With...

Thus begins the next two nightmarish weeks until Thanksgiving break. I've got so much stuff to do and very little motivation to do it. To top it all off, I went to the dentist last week and (oh joy!) found out that I have a few cavitites and one of my other fillings is starting to pop out. Wonderful...

On the up side, we had parent/teacher conferences last week as well. Both Mary and Isaiah are doing great. Their teachers love them. I like the teachers as well. I was a bit nervous since last year I was, um, shall we say less than impressed by Mary's teacher. This year, however, both are just great. Mary is still struggling with her reading a bit, but she tries so hard that no one doubts that she'll get caught up before too long.

What else...? Oh yeah. Did I mention the next two weeks are going to be REALLY crappy? Ah well, such is life. I really shouldn't complain much. My life is too good to indulge in to much hand-waving-freakoutery.


Last minute edit: I almost forgot to mention that yesterday at church I glanced at my reflection in a window and I realized, with my beard, I look like a skinnier and shorter version of my dad. I mean, I could have sworn I was looking at him. It was really weird...


Lifeofpiggys said...

I would love to see a picture of you looking like dad. There has been many a time I see myself in the mirror with my glasses on and think 'I look like mom!'

A little handwaveing freakoutery is ok in moderation...wouldn't want you to dislocate a shoulder!

Huni said...

freakoutery, niiiiice :)

And I know the answer to the end of your title... grayness... yeah... that's it :)

sorry for the crappy stuff coming your way.

Anonymous said...

Hey Kid, Sooo very sorry you think you look like me. You have my condolences. I looked in the mirror this morning and thought, yuck. Of course in the morinings I do look like death warmed over and it is all down hill from there.