Wednesday, March 01, 2006

March Madness

Let the madness begin!

March is always a crazy month. There is so much going on: Birthdays, anniversaries, school projects, spring wheat planting in the lower 40...okay, maybe not that last one.

Still having troubles breaking the sleepiness. I know I'm spending way too much time on the computer. I need to stop playing around and find something else to do. I can't imagine I'm setting that great of an example for my kids. After all, they say you spend the most time on what is most important to you. Does playing on the computer rank up there as one of the most important things in my life? Hardly.

Time for a change.

Here's a New Spring Resolution (since I didn't make any New Year's ones...) - No more than 1 hour of computer play per day and no more than 1 hour of TV watching per day. I'll try to spend the rest of the time playing games with my family, reading, writing (with pencil and paper - no computer typing), and generally spending more time outdoors now that it is warming up.

Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Lifeofpiggys said...

I think the cold weather is to blame. We went outside yesterday for a good old was cold, muddy and down right miserable out, but we had a good time and I think the fresh air did us all good!