Friday, December 01, 2006

Blah, Humbug!

Had a case of the "blahs" this week.

  • Winter has hit hard in the region - snow and crazy drivers are both out in force.

  • Minor dissatisfaction with my new job that I can't quite pinpoint (more on this in a bit).

  • A very low-grade cold or allergy or brain tumor has been making me sneeze for no apparent reason.

  • General mid-holiday malaise.

  • So what's the problem? I could probably point to a number of things...the none of them alone can explain it. And if you put all of them together, it still just sounds like whining.

    Speaking of whining, am I expecting too much from a job? I'm serious. I've been there barely over a month (most of that in a training class) and I already find myself not really interested. In most of the other jobs I have had, that feeling didn't come around until MUCH later. But I'm getting paid a lot more and it's not like this stuff is hard. I just don't enjoy it. Have I been spoiled on "college jobs" for too long? Is there some job out there that I could enjoy AND make a decent living wage?

    I've thought of going back to school, but for what kind of degree? I've dropped the librarianship thing because, in spite of my years in customer service type jobs, I have to honestly say that I don't like working with the public. I think a MBA is out as well. I don't think I would be happy in a business environment for the rest of my life. Why? Maybe it's the focus on money and the "bottom line" that bothers me. Teaching? Meh...I've learned from personal experience that if they don't want to be there, I don't want them in my class. Besides, what would I teach? No matter what I'd pick, it'd be another 10 years before I got out of school myself...and then have to jump through all the stupid governmental hoops that are required to be a teacher. And that still doesn't solve the main problem with teaching that I mentioned above.

    So what does that leave me? Not much. Politics? Between my goofy lisping, short stature, and completely non-confrontational attitude, I'd just get run over...assuming I ever got elected in the first place. Writing? I like a roof over my head and food on my table too much for that. Farming? Sure! Oh wait...I'd need a farm. Dang.

    Oh well. To end on a positive note, here are two good things that have happened this week:

  • Last month I went to my local game store for the Dungeons & Dragons International Game Day. Overall it was a pretty lame experience, but yesterday I got an email saying that I won the Grand Prize that the store was giving away. So today I went and picked up a bag of neat D&D miniature figures, dice, map tiles, an adventure, and other assorted goodies. Yay me!

  • I applied for a different position at the company I am currently working for. I meet all of the qualifications, got my manager's approval, and I think I have a fairly good chance of at least getting an interview. It at least sounds more interesting than what I am doing now. Not only that, but the position would add more than $10,000 per year to my current pay. It's worth a shot.
  • 1 comment:

    Anonymous said...

    Well good luck with the interview. As for getting a job that's interesting and the like, well... my thought is once they DO get like that something happens and they're crappy again.

    sorry the holiday spirit is humbugging... you're not the only one in that area I've heard feeling the same way, so know you're not alone!