Thursday, March 22, 2007

March Madness

No...this isn't about basketball. Have I ever mentioned how much I REALLY dislike rabid sports fans? But I digress...

It's been a busy month with all the birthdays and our 10 year anniversary. Plus we have been fighting a round of the flu in the household. We had one day where the three older kids were all throwing up at the same time...not fun.

Leslie and I haven't been able to get out to do anything for our anniversary. Between the new baby, sick kids, work, school, church callings, lack of money, it has been pretty impossible. It's kind of strange to think about being married for 10 years. It seems like a long time and a short time at the same time. (How many times can I use the word "time" in a sentence?) I suppose I could take this opportunity to reminisce about years gone by, but I'm not feeling particularly nostalgic at the moment.

I've started up yet another blog...this time it is an exercise related one. Although the name is "Water Blogged", you can see there has been a distinct lack of water thus far. The original idea was to use it to track my swimming workouts, scuba dives, etc. It might just end up being a place to write more random thoughts...who knows?

Tomorrow I mail off my application packet for graduate school. They make their decisions in May. I'll have to wait a whole month to find out if all the effort was worth it. Blech...

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