Monday, March 05, 2007

Master of None

Well, I'm about 75% convinced to return to school to get a Masters Degree. The biggest obstacle is having to move...AGAIN. But, it would be necessary because there are no masters programs at the universities in the area that are even remotely interesting. As much as I hate to say it, I just may be moving back to Ellensburg to pursue a degree in Resource Management.

On the plus side, both Leslie and I enjoyed the few years we were there and still have at least one other family there that we are friends with...perhaps more.'s not a big, drug-infested city like we are living in now.

On the down side, we'd have to move...AGAIN. Finding a place big enough for all of us is getting harder and harder. The house we are currently in is certainly not ideal, but at least we are in it. A move back to college would most likely mean apartment living again (yuck), and once more struggling with finances while racking up another round of student loans.

Still, ya gotta do what ya gotta do...

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