Friday, July 06, 2007


I'm going to try to keep from getting angry during this post. Not likely to happen, but I'm going to try.

On the 4th of July, we went down to my in-laws to spend the day. Fairly soon after we got there, one of my wife's sisters told us that one of her kids was throwing up the day before and the other one threw up this morning...but they are better now so no worries.


I would have thought common courtesy demanded a phone call BEFORE we drove all that way. Come on...we have an infant! As it turns out, everyone got sick...REALLY sick. I had to miss a day of work, and I don't have that much sick/vacation time to be wasting on crap like this that could have been prevented.

Thursday night, Mary started to complain about her stomach hurting. Not long after that, she started throwing up. Leslie followed within a few hours followed by Emma. I could feel myself starting down that path, but I hoped to avoid it. I was kept busy by running between Mary's room and Emma (who was in the living room), emptying bowls and rubbing backs.

Isaiah slept on the couch and Rebekah was in her bed. I also had hopes they would miss out on it. No such luck. Around 3AM, Isaiah started hurling...followed by Rebekah only a few minutes later. I brought everyone out into the living room (except Mary, who was being the brave trooper in her room) for a grand ol' vomitous time. Out of the corner of my eye, I caught Leslie making trips from our room to the bathroom, so I know she wasn't faring well either.

I won't go into gory details, but at one point I had to shout out: "Will you people stop throwing up on me?!?" times were had by all...

By the time I started my own moments of fun, everyone but Isaiah had stopped. So we had to share the bathroom at times. Ah! Nothing like Father/Son bonding...

The whole family spent most of Friday sleeping. I had a raging headache most of the day while I thought of the things that needed to have been done at work today, but now had to wait.

Yeah...thanks for sharing...

The only bright note is Benjamin: He was the only one we were initially worried about getting sick and he just slept through the whole thing and woke up smiling. Thank Heavens for small miracles.

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icecold1967 said...
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