Sunday, May 03, 2009

Mellow May

I'm currently sitting at my computer listening to a James Taylor CD and feeling pretty mellow about life in general at the moment. After that, I'll probably put on my B.B. King/Eric Clapton CD...that's just the kind of mood I'm in.

I've purposely not writen anything in the past few days - irritation with current events have been running high. But right now, I'm trying to forget all that and just "chill". 

In other news, it's supposed to rain most of this week. Fine by me. I rather enjoy the rain. Besides it helps our newly planted vegetation. Speaking of which, our carrots, beans, and zuchinni have sprouted. The onions, lettuce, and strawberries seem to be doing fine as well. The tomatoes are still dead, however; gotta get those replaced.


Anonymous said...

The only things we bhave coming up are spinach, lettuce & peas(oh my).
Sort of goes with lions, tigers and bears, oh my! Okay, my ride is here. The men in the little white coats are at the door. Gotta quit talking like this. People are begining to look at me a little strange, what's that? OK maybe I should have left out "begining". Dad

Lifeofpiggys said...

I will send growing thoughts via telepathy to the tomatoes...