Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Modern Procrustean Bed

One rather obscure Greek legend deals with Theseus (ya know, the guy who used a ball of string to find his way out of the labyrinth after killing the minotaur who lived in it) and a bandit by the name of Procrustes. Procrustes had a bed that fit him perfectly - and he thought everyone should be just as perfect. So whenever anyone would come by, he would capture them and tie them to his bed. If that person was too short, Procrustes would stretch them until they fit; if the "guest" was too long, Procrustes would cut off an appropriate amount from the legs. Thus, "perfection" (i.e. conformity) was achieved...well, until Theseus came along and killed him, that is.

It seems in our world today, there are far too many who would take up the mantle of Procrustes and attempt to make everyone the same. It doesn't seem to matter if the process is painful, tortuous, or downright barbaric, as long as everyone fits the same standards. Fortunately, these Procrustean wannabes don't normally resort to physical mutilation. That would be too blantant and the people would rebel immediately. Unfortunately, we have to deal with the more subtle aspects of the Bed of Procrustes: Multiculturalism, political correctness, moral relativism, etc.

Too many people (and I'm not just talking about politicians here - although they can be among the most visible proponents of this way of thinking) apply their pre-conceived notions about how I should act and think, because that is the way they act and think. They do this through the redefining of words and concepts (such as "family", "modesty", "conservative", to name a few), revising history (the demonizing of the American founding fathers for example), denying the existence of evil, believing faith and reason are mutually exclusive, ignoring some laws while enforcing those that are currently popular, and (and this may seem odd coming from a self-defined champion of individuality) praising extreme individualism over duty to others and commitment to a set of values.

If you don't fit these ideas, you obviously must be blind, stupid, ignorant, out of touch, oppressive, repressive, regressive, unacceptable, unsociable, unhappy, a misogynist, and a kicker of small puppies. 

Yes, the spirit of Procrustes is alive and well.

But I refuse to just make this post about pointless complaining. I refuse to bow before the pressures of modern culture. I refuse to deny what I believe is right and true and good. I refuse to stand on the corner and point the finger of shame on those that don't believe as I do. I refuse to fall into hypocritical self-righteousness.

I will do everything in my power to be an example of what a Man is for my daughters and sons. I will teach my kids my religious and moral values, so they know where I stand (and why) when it come time for them to make their own choices. I will continue to enjoy who I am, where I live, and why I live the way I do. I will understand that everyone is different. I will believe everyone is a child of God. And by so doing, I will trust that one day the Bed of Procrustes will no longer be used as a means for achieving unity.

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