Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Day 2: Shine Your Shoes

Ugg. I don't really hate shining shoes, but it certainly isn't one of my more favorite activities. I was in the military, but I got some of the other guys to shine my boots for me. In exchange, I folded their t-shirts. Nowadays, I shine my Sunday shoes somewhere around 2-4 times a year. Yes, a year. Looks like that time has approached again.

This is what I started with:

The black ones are actually my Basic Military Training issue shoes from well over 15 years ago. The brown ones are my daily go-to-work shoes that I've had for about a year and never polished them. Obviously. Here is the progress I made on them:

They turned out a little darker that I expected, but overall I'm fairly pleased with the results. Now for my black "Sunday shoes" (which have been severely abused over the past few years - I never stripped the old polish off...what you see is 15+ years of accumulated build-up).

Can you guess which one I did first?

Now, compare the completed set with the first picture:

All this was done in about an hour and a half (I wasn't really paying attention to the time as I was sitting on the back porch watching my kids play in the yard). And I used only the following items that came in a kit I bought from Walmart.

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