Friday, June 05, 2009

Day 5: Cultivate Your Gratitude

This is a two part process. First make a list of the ten things you're grateful for and then give three thank yous to three different people.

I am thankful for:
  1. My children being well-behaved in public.
  2. My job - as much as I complain about it, I don't have to bring it home with me, I get to go home at 3PM, I have a pretty decent amount of autonomy, and it means I don't have to be out job hunting.
  3. My wife who is also my best friend.
  4. My religious beliefs that keep me striving to be a better man.
  5. My grandparents who left me a substantial inheritance.
  6. A house that is nearly paid for (see #5).
  7. My could be much, much worse.
  8. Being a man. Seriously. I'm glad I'm a guy.
  9. My love of music and the ability to occasionally express it.
  10. My love of games of all kinds. Even if I often lose.

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