Saturday, July 25, 2009

Cub Scout Day Camp

Our boys got picked to do the flag ceremony. Yup, that's my boy facing the other direction!

Waiting for a turn at the pellet guns...



Next up: Practicing basketball skills

...and a half-court game

"Bottle Rockets!" Huzzah!

T-minus 10, 9...

After lunch we go to nutrition and camp cooking

"Look Pa! Stick bread!"


Although they titled this station "Catapults" it was more of an atlatl class...

Leatherworking...or more appropriately: "Smack-a-piece-of-wet-leather-with-a-big-mallet-and-then-stitch-it-to-another-piece"


I didn't want to get close enough for a picture while he was wielding a pocket knife, but here he is sanding his wooden whistle.

"Tweeeeeet!" Yet another inanimate object banned from being used in the house (it was a looong ride home...)

Overall, we had a lot of fun. I a day off from work so even if it had been the worst experience ever, I would have still enjoyed myself. It was nice to be able to just hang out with my son for a day.


Anonymous said...

Do they have a day camp for old codgers? They should have. Looks like fun all those sharp pointy things and fancy uni-forms.... So glad Isaiah had fun. Dad

Lifeofpiggys said...

Looks like a lot of fun! We just dropped the boys at camp...