Monday, July 06, 2009

A Sizzle, Fizzle, Fourth

It was hot. There was a pool. There was a grill. There was an extremely dense chocolate cake. There were some less than impressive fireworks.

So no rabble-rousing for me this time around. We were invited (at 10:00 PM the night before, I might add) over to another family's house for the Fourth of July. At the end of the day, we were all pretty wiped out. It was alright for what it was, but it just seemed like any other weekend. I didn't get all crazy-patriotic (a little, but nothing "extremist" inducing). And then, today, I went back to work. ::shrug::

We actually have a lot going on this month. This Wednesday, is Cub Scout day camp (I got the day off work so I get to go). Mid-month, we're headed out on a family vacation to the zoo and aquarium across the state. At the end of the month is a local gaming convention that might be mildly amusing. We'll see.

The basement in the house has been almost finished for quite some time now. Leslie's been doing a lot more work on it than I have; that's because I'm a slacker - I've accepted this about myself. We just have a small bit of mudding and taping to finish up, then it's on to texturing and painting. After that, we can spend a fortune to carpet everything. The downstairs bathroom won't be finished yet, but the toilet flushes and that is good enough for me.

1 comment:

Lifeofpiggys said...

I think we are coming to visit as well! don't know any more than that - dad just mentioned it. Let me know if there is a weekend that suits you