Friday, August 28, 2009

All For One, and One For the Road

Treasure Island went really fast. Of course, I say that after reading War and Peace just before it. I guess anything would seem short after that. In any case, on to the next one: The Three Musketeers.

This is another one that I haven't read before. I know parts of the story, but I'm looking forward to actually reading it. The edition I have was, at first sight, a little intimidating as well. Each page has two columns of text that make it look incredibly long - but it hasn't been too bad yet. Like War and Peace, I'm enjoying this one - but it takes a little more concentration...the writing style is very different.

I was going to go into an explination of why I'm reading all these books at this time, but I have a really bad headache tonight and don't feel like looking at the computer screen at the moment.

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