Tuesday, October 25, 2005

All is Well

Okay, Isaiah just had an ear infection, not strep throat. I guess I should give my wife more credit when it comes to stuff like that. Anyhow, everyone is better now, although Rebekah is still a little grumpy that she didn't get any medicine.

Only five more weeks until this semester is over! I can't believe that I am almost done. I've started looking into classes for my last semester already, and I think I have it all worked out. It should be a lot better than this semester has been - if only because I'm going to be taking a scuba diving class (to fill out the last few credits I need to be a full time student).

Glub, glub, glub...

1 comment:

Huni said...

Glad things are going better, sorry you went through a patch of rough.