Monday, October 17, 2005

More Sick Kids

Mary is feeling better, but now Isaiah is staying home from school. I think he has strep throat as well, but Leslie thinks it might be something less serious since he doesn't have a fever. Emma has also picked up a nasty cough, so we're keeping an eye on her as well. Rebekah goes around giving fake coughs - just to show that she is "sick" too. I guess she doesn't want to feel left out.

Leslie and I are still pretty healthy...just tired. With both of us in school and trying to raise a family, it can be exausting work. But we're hanging in there.

I've gotten away from playing online games. It has just been taking up too much time and it is way down on the priority list. That is not to say that I won't play every now and then; I'm just not going to play for hours on end anymore. Both Leslie and I want to do more stuff as a family like we used to do. It's been a good week for re-prioritizing.

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