Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Behold! Dad Reveals All Their Goofy Glory!

Amid my crappy week, my printer decided to go belly-up on me. The upside is that I got a good deal on a scanner/printer combo so I can at least make some horrible scans of some pictures. So here are the kids, goofy smiles, bad hair, and all!

Don't get me wrong, if there was a goofy poll taken at my house, I'm pretty sure I would win hands down. I think I have them all thoroughly convinced that their dad is the silliest person alive...and I KNOW that would shock a lot of the people I work with.

PS. I can't figure out why one picture is higher than the rest. If anyone can figure it out, let me know...


Huni said...

Oh... My... Goodness! I can't believe how big they all are! And M looks nothing like I remember her looking! What great pictures :)

Lifeofpiggys said...

Can you e-mail these pictures so I can print them off. The boys want desperately to play with I!!! They only have girl cousins their age...if only we lived a little closer!

Huni said...

that's ok, M keeps telling A that they're HER cousins, not his... poor kiddo.
