Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Works And Plays Well With Others

Yesterday I spent the whole morning in Isaiah's kindergarten class. They were having some big holiday craft day and parents were invited, so I decided to stay for the whole time and help out in the classroom. I had a lot of fun - good ol' cut and paste type day for me. It was also a little sad because there were a few kids who didn't have a parent show up. Now I completely understand that not all family situations allow for a free parent - if I was working full time, there would be no way Leslie could have gone with two additional little kids tagging along.

So I formed a little group of kids who didn't have a parent there. It was really chaotic, but we all had fun as we moved from station to station. Isaiah now wants me to come to school with him every day. I'd love to help out. He has a great teacher and with most of the college students out of town, it looks like she might need some help. However, I still have final exams to take and work to go to.

Still it was a fun morning.


Lifeofpiggys said...

I help in Stephen's class on a regular basis. It's great because all the kids want to be in my group or my partner for welly walks. I count myself lucky to be able to volunteer in the school. Working from home has its perks (though sometimes means working very late at night)

Huni said...

You are both lucky :( I wish I could help more, but can't. And good job for including those kiddos who didn't have a parent there. I'm sure you just made their day. :)