Monday, April 27, 2009

At Home In School, In School At Home

Well, we finally made it official: Mary is going to be homeschooled next year. The others will continue to go to public school, but this really is the best thing for Mary at this point. Why? Well, Mary is 11 and going into 6th grade. She takes after me, academically speaking, than she does Leslie (Mrs. Summa Cum Laude from WSU) - which isn't to say she is struggling as much as I did in school. Still, you add that to the horror of what passes for pre-teen culture in this country these days... I wouldn't mind if all my kids decided to homeschool.

We are using the K12 program and working closely with our school district. Leslie is looking forward to it, Mary is beside herself with excitement, and I wish I could stay home as well to be more involved. This is something that I have always wanted to do with my kids. Something about it just appeals to me.

It is a new experience for us all and I think it will go well (with some expected rough spots at times). And here's a big, fat, "Phhhhbt!" to my kids' current teachers.

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