Sunday, October 25, 2009

Arm-Waving Freakoutery

One of my official jobs is now to wave my arms about like a spaz in front of a bunch of people. Yes, that's right, I've been called to be the choir director at church. We perform in church once a month...and today was my first "performance".

It was actually a lot of fun - I really, really like music and I have very distinct memories of "conducting" the music to an old Hooked on Classics tape as a young kid. I remember thinking it would be neat to conduct a full orchestra, but let's face it, I have never been that interested in putting in the effort to be a professional musician.

In any case, our choir is small and widely varies in the number of members depending on the day, the weather, the song, etc... I don't expect any miracles anyway. This ain't the movie Sister Act and I certainly ain't Whoopie Goldberg (although I'm sure I'd make a terrible nun too).

Here's my philosophy when it comes to the church choir: When something wonderful happened in the heavens, the multitudes there either shouted for joy or sang. Now I don't really care if us mortals are more shouters or singers, but I figure if there is room enough in heaven for both, there certainly is room enough for both in the choir.

For today, we started our song acapella (no piano): Listen, Listen and then went right in to Search, Ponder, and Pray, both of which are songs written for little kids. Still, it was fun and they sounded great. I think next month we'll do Now Thank We All Our God since it is the Thanksgiving season.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Post Birthday Week

Last week was a very bad week for me. There were a lot of reasons for it - none of them worth squat in the grand scheme of things though. I was overly irritable and I generally blew up at the kids for the littlest things. Luckily, my family still loves me and I'm slowly getting over it (the feeling is still there to a degree, but I'm working harder at keeping it in check). I don't want to go into details of my funk because it would be at all helpful and there are just some things that aren't flattering to myself or others. It could be described as one of those dark corners of mortality that, unfortunately, spilled out into the rest of life.

I find it odd that our own perception of who we are is, at times, greatly different from how others perceive us. Iwas talking to Mary about this the other day. We can sit in church and look at a family and think they have it all worked out - nearly perfect in some cases. Then we feel inadequate, imperfect, perhaps even hypocritical at times. That is especially true when we hear from others how "perfect" our own family is. To paraphrase Bugs Bunny: "They don't know us to well, do they?" But it goes the other way too. We can't see what goes on in the homes of others, or in their heads. No one is perfect. No family is perfect. We only see a family on their best behavior for a few hours a week. We only see the outward appearance of a straight A student, or a good singer, or a good dancer (or sometimes all three togehte). It can be disheartening for children and adults.

But something occurred to me today in regards to my children: They may not be the best at anything visible (athletics, singing, grades, etc.) but they are still very young. Before, I would think, "They just need to find something they really enjoy doing." However, in thinking of the response I would most likely get to "What do you enjoy?" I can easily imagine them saying, "Having fun!" And there it is. They don't need to have a hobby or an exlusive interest at this point in their lives, do they? They are still young kids. They need to have fun. And they do. There is still plenty of time for them to figure out what they want to do in life (hopefully they'll figure it out sooner rather than later like me - not that I have figured it out yet mind you).

I guess I worry they are going to be lifetime slackers like me. But, then again, that gets back to my earlier point: They way I see myself isn't the way others see me. Success in life might be more based on the latter rather than the former, so maybe I worry needlessly.

Friday, October 09, 2009

Flowchart Humor

I find humor in some weird places at times. Case in point: Flowchart humor. Anytime someone puts in the effort to make a flowchart that is funny, I appreciate it. I like flowcharts in general anyway. I'm just strange that way I guess.

In any case, last year sometime I made a flowchart outlining my job. Yes, I did share it with my boss...and somehow I managed to get promoted anyway. Go figure.

You'll need to click on it to be able to read it. Warning: You may not think this is funny unless you have had my job, but trust me - it's really is funny. A little too close to the truth at times, but funny nonetheless.

Thursday, October 08, 2009

Just in Time for Halloween

The Leadership Challenge is a great book. I forgot how much I enjoy reading it and figuring out ways to make myself better. But now it's time to move on to the next book: The Legend of Sleepy Hollow and Other Tales by Washington Irving. I've read Rip Van Winkle several times before, but not Sleepy Hollow (I've seen the cartoon though...). Nor have I read, or even heard of, any of the other stories in the book.

So far, I'm loving the way he describes things. Lots of imagery. Good use of the English language and all that.

On a side note, I had my second Account Rep meeting today and I'm proud to announce that no one said they felt "puked on." Hey, it's an improvement.